Monday, September 28, 2009


I made this blog to write about my personal experiences with electronic cigarettes. I don't generally advocate err... anything that doesn't directly profit me, but I am lovin' my e-cigs and really feel that the switch could be beneficial to others.

If you have stumbled across this blog and are asking "What in the hell is an electronic cigarette?" you have probably found the wrong place. So, I will show you a couple of the right places!

BestEcig - I am sure you are curious about the makes, models. flavors etc... This place has a huuuge selection.
HINT: If you buy 1 bottle of 10ml liquid the shipping is $17ish
If you buy 2 usb batteries, 2 bottles of 10ml liquid, 2 bottles of 20ml liquid and 4 packs of the cartridges it's STILL $17ish to the US. If you are planning on buying from here, wait til you have a decent order figured out.
SaveASmoker - This is the company that sold the e-cig to the store where i bought my first and current e-smoke!

Ok maybe you got the idea from those. The model I am using as of right now is the DSE or BE 901. I have Marlboro & Banana flavored e-liquids to go with it. The set was terribly overpriced at the store that i bought it from, and admittedly isn't that much better at SaveASmoker. I am ordering my next liquid and cartridges along with a USB charger from bestecig. Many people agree, though it's shipped from China and the shipping can be high if you have a small order, It is one of the best places to find your e-cig and supplies. BUT I definitely won't condone buying from them until I have got my first shipment cause that's just how I roll.

Ok. Why electronic cigarettes? Here are a few good reasons!
1. I wanted a step between smoking and going on the patch or going cold turkey. I have quit twice and missed smoking for months and gone back to it. Maybe I was missing a step?

2. They are a hell of a lot cheaper than real cigarettes. (You can make 10ml last about as long as a carton for a pack-a-day smoker)

3. I don't smell horrible anymore. In fact, right now I think I smell of bananas!

4. I CAN SMELL! Smoking killed my sense of smell. A few days after my switch I can smell lots of things I couldn't before. In fact I think the neighbors are cooking breakfast. Smells like bacon. But then again I have an incredible nose for bacon.

5. It IS healthier. No tar, fewer chemicals

6. It's more environmentally friendly and produces less waste. Even the little bottles liquid comes in and the cartridges are reusable!

7. As opposed to smoking cigarettes, the e-cig is actually quite stylish!

8. People look at me funny for sucking on a metal stick with a blue light on the end and I'm an attention whore.


Anyway, you're probably wondering how it's working for me if you read this far right?

Well, buying extra-strong liquid after smoking a pack a day for around 14 years, I am completely satisfied. I finished off my pack of "real" cigs the night I got the e-cig and I haven't had one since. Admittedly. I thought about having one and just wondered how it would be now, but my newfound sense of smell fixed that!

I went out and a girl sat next to me and lit up. It smelled HORRIBLE. I couldn't handle putting one of those things in my mouth again. Really, what would you choose? Burning tobacco flavor (E-cig juice can taste like it but doesn't smell like it) or BANANA! Seriously!

One problem though. I walk around sniffing my fingers because they actually smell like the last soap I used now, not some cig. I'm sure if anyone has noticed that they are quite curious or disgusted!

I will keep posting my experience with e-cigs or "vaping" as the hip folks call smoking an e-cig. I will also let anybody who reads know experiences I have with supply retailers etc...

IF anybody has any questions for me feel free to leave a comment. I am all for this e-cig thing and I firmly believe if you are a smoker, and you try it, you will fall in love also!

Thanks for the read.

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